Sunday, July 5, 2009

Easy day

Not much to add today. Did my usual tailgate run which is a loop from Clairemont down to Marian Bear Canyon through a use trail along 805, then follow the canyon, under the 52 by I-5, then into Rose Canyon, and Rose Canyon back under 805 to where the Marine Base starts. There are only 3 climbs of note, and they all come at the end, and even then they are short but steep. Each of the climbs is probably 250 feet over 1/4 mile, so its three really steep efforts on tired legs, but not much really. All told, the run took about 3 hours, 10 min. A bit warm. Tried Heed for the first time. The jury is out. Took 3 gels during run. Probably should have taken more even with the Heed as ran out of energy at the end.

Tomorrow, a much needed day off . . .

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